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Taking Man To Mars! | How MPD (MagnetoPlasmaDynamic) Thrusters Work
Superconductor-based Applied-Field Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster Technology - Collier-Wright et. al.
Returning Man to the Moon! | How Do HALL EFFECT THRUSTERS Work?
Rocket Science: Magnetoplasmadynamic Thrusters and Magnetoshell Shields
The Worlds Most Efficient Space Engine! | How Do Gridded Ion Thrusters Work?
MPD Thruster Validation Check - Year 2017
Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster Working
How Hall thrusters work (and why we can't simulate them)
Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster - Trial Run
MIT's electric thruster can allow us to explore deep space | Hard Reset
1.25 MW MPD Thruster
I Built an IONIC PLASMA Thruster